Events & news

Quuks is located at the heart of the sector. Together we strive for development, and with this come events, organised together with our valued partners. Check it out!: Quuks organises events for and with the sector.

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A look in the past:

January 18, 2024


January 18, 2024 was the first event that Quuks organised in collaboration with the CWI (The Research Institute for Mathematics & Computer Science in the Netherlands) and SIG (Software Improvement Group): Future of Cobol and Mainframe. The event was a great success and completely sold out. It has also attracted considerable media attention.


BNR Digitaal, together with Joe van Burik, Ben van der Burg, Jurgen Vinju and Quuks, investigated the legacy of COBOL and its importance for our financial infrastructure.
Listen to the podcast
(in Dutch)

Dutch Radio 1

On Dutch Radio 1, Matthijs Jansen reveals how lateral-entry students are being qualified as COBOL programmers to tackle the challenges of the Dutch payment transactions system.
Radio 1 interview (in Dutch)

FD Het Financieele Dagblad

The FD underlines how the fact, that our payment transactions run on an outdated computer language that almost nobody knows anymore, spells out a potential disaster scenario.

Front page article FD (in Dutch)


An article about the ‘The Future of Cobol & Mainframe’ event, organized by Quuks and the CWI (The Research Institute for Mathematics & Computer Science in the Netherlands), highlighting the importance of training and qualifying Cobol developers for the financial sector.
Read the entire article (in Dutch)


The looming shortage of Cobol experts threatens the financial sector, with essential payment transactions systems at risk, and the importance of ‘The Future of Cobol & Mainframe’ event.

Read the entire article (in Dutch)


In de jaren zestig werden voor het eerst op grote schaal bedrijfsprocessen geautomatiseerd. Dat gebeurde in een programmeertaal die inmiddels nog maar weinig mensen beheersen: Cobol.


Vacature IT Traineeship

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